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Youth Soccer Frequently Asked Questions

What equipment will I need to buy?

The only equipment that is required are shin guards and water bottle. Most children like to bring their own ball to practice, and we encourage them to do so.


What size ball do I need?

For practice, children can use any size ball. For games:

  • Under 6: Size 3

  • Under 10 and Under 8 Size 4

  • Under 14 and Under 12: Size 5


When are practices?

Teams practice 1-2 times per week at a time set by the coach. Generally practices begin at 5, 6 or 7 p.m. on weeknights. If you would like to set the practice schedule, we encourage you to volunteer to coach!


When are games?

Games are typically Saturday mornings, but there are typically 1-2 weekday games.


When is the Spring 2024 Season?

Our young athletes will complete with and against similar aged community members over a 9-game season that starts in May. 

What if I have more questions?

If your question isn’t answered here, feel free to post in our Facebook Group.

Or send questions to:

Do you need volunteers to help coach?

We can always use volunteers! When you register your child, please sign yourself up to volunteer if you are interested and able.

Are there requirements to coach?

All coaches will undergo a background check and be asked to complete an online safety training course that takes ~1 hour to complete.

What should I expect as a coach?

You will be expected to schedule and lead 2 practices a week. As coach, you can set the schedule.

You will receive a team roster and need to call all parents of your players.

On game days, you will coach the team, do substitutions and ensure kids have fun and abide by the rules.

Is there any help available for coaches?

We will conduct a coaches training at the beginning of the season to show a few age-appropriate drills to best teach fundamentals and conduct effective practices.

In addition, our soccer board has many experienced rec and travel coaches who would be happy to offer advice and guidance.

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